I have never been so excited about something in my business in all of my life.
This PAY IT FORWARD INITIATIVE is going to make these life-altering Activations available to so many more humans in the world, creating tidal waves of impact. And it's beginning right here with you.
From the depth of my soul I want to say THANK YOU!!
Thank you for getting this Activation Album into the hands and ears of more humans on this planet.
This work feels like the work of my life-time and I am truly honored.
To PAY IT FORWARD all you need to do is choose who you want to gift this to and enter the person's name and email below.
We will take it from there. (although you may want to tell them to keep their eyes on their ibox as an email will be sent out to them immediately and we don't want them to miss it).
This is wildly epic. Thank you for being part of it.
Xx Jak