Belief Codes

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JS - Belief Codes Banner.png

Belief Codes


Belief Code work is powerful work. It creates the foundation in my mentorship.

I’ve been guiding women in re-wiring their belief codes for years, it’s what allows them to access new pathways, new portals of creation.

It’s the work behind the scenes that allows them to play in the quantum essence.

I’m inviting you into this work with me.

My current mission, in this moment is to help guide as many women as possible … to help guide you in seeing the untruths that exist in your energy field so that you can step into your next level of impact.

It begins here.

With this invitation to join me inside BELIEF CODES.


  • 2 x 60 Min Training Sessions

  • 1 x 45 Min Energy Clearing + Activation

  • + Access to approximately 10 hours of riffs from Jak (recordings from the group that is no longer live.)


  • 1 x Forgiveness Energy Clearing

  • 1 x Wealth Activation

  • 1 x Power Tracking Exercise

This is the most insane offering I’ve ever created.

** please note all elements are pre-recorded. There is not a live component to this offering.

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