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pre-work day 1
pre-work day 2
pre-work day 3
MODUle 1
MODUle 6
MODUle 2
MODUle 7
MODUle 3
MODUle 8
module 4
MODUle 9
MODUle 5
MODUle 10
It is time to begin…
Please take the time to REALLY sink into these journal prompts,
it is important to do so for the healing practice that will come on Day 2.
Find a quiet space, relax and let the writing flow!
day 1 workbook
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i hope you were able to dive deep into the journal prompts from yesterday!
Today we are going to clear some energy, so find a quiet space and get ready to sink into the work.
day 2 workbook
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Today we are going to set our intentions for this course, we are going to clear and release.
Find a quiet corner, clear your mind, and dive in.
day 3 workbook
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MODULE 1: The Wealth Frequency
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Module 2: Craft a wealthy energetic signature
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Module 3: Guided Visualization
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Module 4: the power of fear
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Module 5: Fear Analysis
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Module 6: Manifestation of Wealth
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Module 7: The Energetics of Money
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Module 8: Debt Talk
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Module 9: Expanding your Channel to Receive
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